Today we ask the archetype of
The Chariot
to provide us clarity.
Widen your perspective.
Take a moment to look at this collection of images before you explore what I think, ask yourself….what is this card asking me?
““It is not what you look at that matters, it is what you see””
Here is what I think…The chariot moves forward with the willpower of its driver. This card is calling us towards what is next, that which is our target. it is the ultimate keep your eye on the ball card and drives us towards all things progress, achievement, and product-oriented. A feeling we can well identify with in today’s world. Go go go…but my advice is be careful not to miss the journey. Sometimes the clarity is in the movement, in the way it feels in our body to move, and in not exactly knowing where we are.
the flow of time towards the future
change and transition
liminal space and in between times
Dance with the question.
The Chariot asks…
What have you learned from the “in between” times?
Play your favorite road trip or running playlist today as you consider this question.
If you need one, here is mine on Spotify.
““I’ve learned that movement is a force multiplier for separating meaningful thoughts from distractions””
In your journal, write about the “chariot” moments in your life this year. What decisions or projects have brought you from point A to point B?
TAROT BONUS: If you have a tarot deck and want to explore more about how all this willpower and change has shown up in certain areas of your life, look at the minor arcana sevens.
Seven of pentacles for clarity around work/money/family - What was it like to have patience?
Seven of swords for clarity around mental issues - When could I have asked for help that I didn’t?
Seven of wands for clarity around creative and spiritual things- What decisions did I make just for myself even when others disagreed?
Seven of cups for clarity around love and connection- What decision brought the most confusion?
Is it making sense yet?
Hi Friend, I offer one-on-one Card Based Coaching Sessions if you want more clarity on this or any other issue. I would happily use my insight to help you uncover hidden truths. -Genevieve