Today we ask the archetype of
The Hierophant
to provide us clarity.
Widen your perspective.
Take a moment to look at this collection of images before you read the meaning. Consider where your eye is drawn as you scan through, be with the curiosity of not knowing what the card means before you jump to my interpretation or the question of the day.
““It is not what you look at that matters, it is what you see””
Here is what I think…The Hierophant is “kind of a rules guy”, at one point in the history of tarot this was the pope card. This card keeps us all in order and asks us to notice the systems and traditions that surround us. The hierophant holds the proverbial keys to the kingdom and stands for morality and duty.
keys to the kingdom
rules and systems
Consult the question.
The hierophant asks…
What rules, laws, or systems did you rely upon?
Take this question to council. Ask a community, trusted friend, or special corner of the internet this question and see what answers you get. Often there is clarity waiting for us in the voices of others.
“Without ethics, man has no future. This is to say, mankind without them cannot be itself. Ethics determine choices and actions and suggest difficult priorities.”
What ethic, law, or system of understanding has served you most this year?
Why did you pick that one?
TAROT BONUS: If you have a tarot deck and want to explore more about how that pesky, but sometimes useful hierophant has shown up in certain areas of your life, look at the minor arcana fives.
5 of pentacles for clarity around work/money/family - What help did you overlook?
5 of swords for clarity around mental issues - What role did trauma play in your reactions?
5 of wands for clarity around creative and spiritual things- What felt like a lost cause?
5 of cups for clarity around love and connection- When did grief feel most overwhelming?
Is it making sense yet?
Hi Friend, I offer one-on-one Card Based Coaching Sessions if you want more clarity on this or any other issue. I would happily use my insight to help you uncover hidden truths. -Genevieve