Today we ask the archetype of
The Emperor
to provide us clarity.
Widen your perspective.
Take a moment to look at this collection of images before you read the meaning.
““It is not what you look at that matters, it is what you see””
Here is what I think… The Emperor reigns over the entire world, he is (defiantly a he) the ultimate ego at the top of the hierarchy. So, remember y’all, when all is well with the king, then all is well with the kingdom! This is a card about how we apply our inner learnings to the world around us. Through the emperor in all of us, we shape and mold “our kingdoms” as we make things happen. Basically, this card asks us to examine how we govern ourselves and our lives.
ego and sense of self
personal ethics
manager parts
structural power
SING the question.
The emperor asks…
How did you wield your power this year?
“There are few things more powerful than a life lived with passionate clarity.
Use your journal to ask yourself honestly about the power you have in the world. What can you do? In what domains do you have the most effect on others?
Could you do more (or less) to make the world a better place?
TAROT BONUS: If you have a tarot deck and want to explore more about power in specific areas of your life, look at the minor arcana fours.
Four of pentacles for clarity around work/money - What did you hold on to tightest?
Four of swords for clarity around mental issues - When did you rest?
Four of wands for clarity around creative and spiritual things- When did you stop to create a celebration?
Four of cups for clarity around love and connection- What did release bring you?
Is it making sense yet?
Hi Friend, I offer one-on-one Card Based Coaching Sessions if you want more clarity on this or any other issue. I would happily use my insight to help you uncover hidden truths. -Genevieve